Resources and Stories for Real People

Our financial blog offers valuable information on wealth planning and investment management and provides perspectives on how to communicate more effectively and get organized when it comes to finances.

International Stocks vs. U.S. Stocks International stocks have not done well recently compared with U.S. stocks. The 2024 return of international stocks (as measured by the MSCI World ex USA Index) was just under 5%, lagging by nearly 20 percentage points the return of U.S. stocks (as measured by the

It’s Been a Whale of a Year

After a 26% total return from the S&P 500® Index in 2023, few predicted 2024 would deliver another big year of gains for U.S. stocks. But it did. Not only did the S&P 500 post a 25% return for the year, but the index reached 61 new all-time highs. Together,

Consider the numerous decisions we face every day: what to eat for breakfast, what we should wear to work or a restaurant, who we should spend time with, and whether and what to watch on our screens after the day ends. Those are undoubtedly choices that could fall under the

Have you ever written down, at the start of a year, predictions for what will happen in the year ahead? For investors, taking note of your beliefs about the market or economy and then coming back later to inspect can be a good exercise in understanding the difficulties of forecasting.

The US presidential election has concluded, but uncertainty remains about what comes next. For those focused on market returns, it can be helpful to look at the historical success of markets across presidencies. It’s important for investors to remember that whether you are optimistic or pessimistic about the future state of

Life Well-Being as a Portfolio

I often note that the biggest risks in life are not in the stock market. If you want real risk, I say, get married. And if you want more risk, have children. People laugh because the point is obvious. Yet that point is regularly lost when we speak about financial

Begin Your Journey

Our initial discovery meeting is complimentary and  gives us the opportunity to provide information and resources about who we are and what we do, so that you can make an informed decision about who you choose to work with on the future of your wealth.