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Our financial blog offers valuable information on wealth planning and investment management and provides perspectives on how to communicate more effectively and get organized when it comes to finances.
Think about your answer to the following question: “Please imagine a ladder, with steps numbered from 0 at the bottom to 10 at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you, and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you.
Many years ago, a financial adviser told me about a couple, prospective clients, who said, “Before you start planning for us, you should know that we have a disabled son. We need to plan for him first so he is supported even when we’re gone.” I often note that the
Deciphering the Prolonged Yield Curve Inversion
The possibility of the most recent yield curve inversion started to attract attention in early 2022. Short-term U.S. Treasury yields had been rising much faster than longterm yields, nearly overtaking them.
Reflecting on Four Years Since the Pre-COVID Market Peak
The S&P 500® Index rose 0.49% on February 19, 2020, pushing the index to a new all-time high. This was its highest level for nearly six months as the effects of COVID-19 soon made a dramatic impact on market prices and our daily lives. By mid-March, the World Health Organization
Stuck at Home: Mortgage Rates and the Endowment Effect
Is home really where the heart is, or in today’s financial climate, has the adage evolved to “home is where your low mortgage rate from three years ago is?” Anecdotally, in conversations with financial advisors, I’ve heard the same story several times: Clients feel stuck in their homes because they
What Interest Rate Cuts May Mean for Bond Returns
The Federal Reserve (Fed) is on a mission. And by many accounts, that mission is going well. After inflation rose throughout 2021, the Fed began raising the federal funds rate from near zero in early 2022. By July 2023, the central bank had taken the fed funds target range to
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The Millionaire Within
Intelligent financial decision-making is not about money. It’s about emotions, behavior, and unleashing the power that lies within you.
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